One time, when Cadence and Twilight were kids, they were strolling aroung Canterlot and Cadence saw two ponies who are a couple and were fighting because one wants to get her hooves polished and the other wants her not to polsih her hooves and Cadence casted a spell on the couple and the two ponies forgot why they were fighting. Twilight said that Cadence is the "Best foal sitter in the history of foal sitters". She also has the magic to heal other ponies' hearts and forget why they were fighting. She is very good in bonding ponies just like the way Cadence did it to Twilight when they were kids. Magical Mystery Cure is the thirteenth and final episode of the third season of the animated television series My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic and the. Princess Cadence's powers is that she can spread love even someponies are fighting. Also, Princess Cadence is the old foal sitter of Twilight when she was still a filly and she taught Twilight a short song if she is unhappy:"Sunshine! Sunshine! Ladybugs awake! Clap your hooves and do a little shake!" And that proves it that Cadence is the most loving pony ever lived.

Princess Cadence also known as Princess Miamore Cadenza is a loving pony who can spread love all around.Cadence has curly mane (only at the tips) but as a child, she ponytailed her mane and has a pink coat but at the tips of her wings are violet and her mane is like a colorful crystal, she wore golden shoes, necklace and a crown and her cutie mark is a crystal-shaped heart that's why Princess Celestia moved her to the Crystal Empire. They ended up becoming sisters-in-law after Cadance married Twilight's brother, Shining Armor. She is well acquainted with Twilight Sparkle, whom she used to foal-sit years ago.

Cutie mark is a crystal blue heart with two wavy lines on both sides Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, better known as Princess Cadance, is a pretty pearl pink princess pony and adopted niece of Princess Celestia.